Dear friends, the rally goes to swollen sails we have changed the hotel, and have dropped prices for the individual and for those coming from Friday, switching to double a single in 59 and 45 euro for the extra night on Friday, the price is € 95 for all if you are Sat + Sun, we are updating the site, but this is better than the previousand so we have to give everyone A SUPER disco dinner (some with children had problems) soon after the DINNER that HAS ... ALL STEAK, Tuscan hors-Mugello Tortelli, outline etc. .. WINE etc. Who paid for of course more will refund directly to the gathering, today we are only 10 rooms available at the hotel! How to say not bad:-). This year will be a gathering for friends of this event, to have fun, that's why you will soon close registrations, we want a last YEAR among MINISTI with joy and fun but also relaxation:-) and laughter!