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: Hello from Greece  ( 11371 )

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Hello from Greece
« : February 25, 2009, 00:58:46 AM »

Hey guys and girls. My name is Jimi and I'm the administrator of the Hellenic Mini Community website. This evening one of your members (vladimir) found our website by accident? I guess  :laughing: and we had a chat about what are you guys up to here. To be honest I had no idea, there was a forum for Serbian Mini owners. Its always good to see the Mini spirit spreading on the web. Anyway I'm glad I found you guys. For this summer we're organizing a road trip from Greece to Birmingham, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Mini. For that purpose we made a subwebsite within the HMC forum where you can find more info about our trip.You're all welcome to join us in that trip, it we'll be very exciting, driving all together,I forgot to mention that your website is listed from now on in our Mini Links page
See ya guys around  :punk:




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Odg: Hello from Greece
« #1 : February 25, 2009, 01:06:11 AM »

Hello Jimi, and thanks for dropping by  :good:
It is a great feeling to see new members from all over the world, and especially our Greek brothers.

It is good to know about your trip, I hope some of our members will join you.

We are organizing a regional Mini event of our own, this year. In June, we will have guests from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, FYR Macedonia, and perhaps Hungary. We would love to see greek minis, too!

Please tell us more about minis in Greece - how many are there, do you have clubs, what do your events look like...?

and, of course, please present your mini  :)

we now also have your forum in our links section
« : February 25, 2009, 01:11:29 AM ivan »


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Odg: Hello from Greece
« #2 : February 25, 2009, 02:14:56 AM »

efharisto pou mas episkeftikes
prospatume na organosume to club.iparhi kali telis kei poli oreksi
"It's simple and amazing car" - Paddy Hopkirk


Odg: Hello from Greece
« #3 : February 25, 2009, 03:36:42 AM »

Currently there are two active clubs in Greece theAthens Mini Club and the Thessaloniki Mini Club . The HMC forum runs for almost two years now. Our goal was to create an online meeting place for all Greek Mini owners regardless the Club, Union or whatever they belong to. We also have a very good relationship with the the Cypriot Classic Mini Club(they dont have a website at the moment).
The HMC forum promotes the Club events that take place throughout the year, but also its members organize night outs, Sunday morning rides, Cafe meetings, beer contests  :laughing: :punk: generally we do have fun in many ways  :hid_crazy:

for a bit of taste of how we spent the time with our Minis, click the following links :

Greek National Mini meeting in Thessaloniki, November 2008

Night out in the taverna

3rd monthly HMC meeting at Sounio 24/1/09

« : February 25, 2009, 03:39:11 AM ADO15 »


  • Članovi MKS
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Odg: Hello from Greece
« #4 : February 25, 2009, 08:50:44 AM »

Hi ADO15!!!
nice to hear news from mini scene in Greece ... and to see great minis on your website.
please keep us informing about greece IMM trip. i hope to see you on the way or at least on IMM.
keep in touch,


  • Članovi MKS
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Odg: Hello from Greece
« #5 : February 25, 2009, 10:00:13 AM »

It's nice to hear someone from there.
Count on us to be your hosts when ever you pass here.


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Odg: Hello from Greece
« #6 : February 25, 2009, 12:02:08 PM »

pokusaciu clanovima foruma da prevedem upravo ono sto sam procitao na grckom forumu
ado15(kako sebe predstavlja clan grckog foruma)posle svoje prijave na nas forum,prbacio je link i sve nase adrese na grcki forum sa komentarom:
"Veoma sam iznenadjen danasnjim kontaktom od jednog od clanova mini club srbija i njihovom slucajnom posetom na nas sajt.
U zemlji u kojoj se nalazi fabrika Zastava postoji klub obozavalaca austin minija.Bilo kakav kontakt mozete uspostaviti sa clanom pod imenom vladimr jer on govori veoma dobro grcki jezik(za clanove foruma greece) :hid_crazy:"
"It's simple and amazing car" - Paddy Hopkirk


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Odg: Hello from Greece
« #7 : February 25, 2009, 12:12:41 PM »

what vladimir just wrote is how you wrote some nice things about us on your forum.
thanx to both of you  :good: spread the love!  :srce:

please also mention our meeting this summer - mayber someone will want to come.

can you please tell us how many members are there in your clubs?

We have just recently started to officially register our members, so far only about 15. However, there are over 100 minis in Serbia that we know of.


  • Aktivan
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Odg: Hello from Greece
« #8 : February 25, 2009, 12:21:36 PM »

u grckoj postoje dva kluba jedan je u Atini a drugi u Solunu
nisam nasao informaciju koliko ih je ukupno ali vidim da stalno imaju neke voznje
auta im izgledaju super
planiraju put za englesku u bimingem na skup ali na zalost idu preko italije :cry:
"It's simple and amazing car" - Paddy Hopkirk


Odg: Hello from Greece
« #9 : February 25, 2009, 13:12:05 PM »

I'd say about 300 Minis are registered in total in both Clubs. My estimation for the number of Minis on the Greek roads is about a thousand or less. The numbers gets lower and lower within the years unfortunately. Yeah I'd love to share more info about your summer event, where is it going to take place? and when exactly? Just drop me some info and I'll do a proper post.


  • Aktivan
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Odg: Hello from Greece
« #10 : February 25, 2009, 13:31:04 PM »

Yeah I'd love to share more info about your summer event, where is it going to take place? and when exactly? Just drop me some info and I'll do a proper post.

I cannot promise you the exact  date yet, but it will be in the beginning of June, in Belgrade. Just see if there is a general interest, and we will provide you with all detailed info as soon as we make definite arrangements.


Odg: Hello from Greece
« #11 : February 25, 2009, 16:52:03 PM »

The meeting is now listed in our events page  :)


  • Aktivan
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Odg: Hello from Greece
« #12 : February 25, 2009, 17:02:18 PM »

cheers mate!  :good:


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Odg: Hello from Greece
« #13 : February 26, 2009, 11:24:57 AM »

Welcome to the mad house  :hid_crazy:


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Odg: Hello from Greece
« #14 : February 26, 2009, 15:55:23 PM »

Ma motor nesto zeza...ali u sustini savrseno radi...a i nesto zajebava kocnica ali u sustini super koci...ma pola stvari ne radi al ide super...ovaj auto je paradox na tockovima...
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