Ja sam sam sebi rekao da ce mi slijedeci Mini koji cu kupiti tj.koji cu si zadrzati bit pickup...vec sam se raspitao u Austriji i IMA ga na prodaju ali je cijena u PM
Skoljka spremna za limarenje sa "svim" dijelovima kosta oko 5000€!!!!
Od obicnog se moze prepraviti ali mislim da to nema smisla...trebao bi "unistiti Mk1 ili Mk2...i medjuosovinski razmak je oko 15 cm veci na pickupu...isto ko i na karavanu...
Mini Pick-up (1961-82): A pick-up truck, 11 feet (3.4 m) from nose to tail, built on the longer Mini Van platform, with an open-top rear cargo area and a tailgate. The factory specified the weight of the Pickup as less than 1,500 lb (680 kg) with a full 6 imperial gallons (27 L/7 US gal) of fuel.
As with the Van, the pickup did not have a costly chrome grille. Instead, a simple set of stamped metal slots allowed airflow into the engine compartment. The Pickup was spartan in basic form, although the factory brochure informed prospective buyers that “[a] fully equipped Mini Pick-up is also available which includes a recirculatory heater.” Passenger-side sun visor, seat belts, laminated windscreen, tilt tubes and cover were available at extra cost.[23] Like the van, the Pickup was renamed as the Mini 95 in 1978.
A total of 58,179 Mini Pickups were built.