Klub i Forum > Predstavljanje automobila Ĩlanova Foruma

Hi, I'm Maciek from Poland

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icemac be ready for Balkanska Minijada 2010
25 of Jun 2010
we vait for you and take slip tyres no for the snow :laughing:


--- Quote from: vladimir on December 28, 2009, 13:07:22 PM ---icemac be ready for Balkanska Minijada 2010
25 of Jun 2010
we vait for you and take slip tyres no for the snow :laughing:

--- End quote ---

thanks for the information
Probobly we will arrive with this green BOC on gold wheels with YOKO tyres  :)

 :mks: and friends - again

i have some problem with suspension or steering system (I don't know what is it)

I must repair it before the meeting

you have 200 day"s :thinking:


--- Quote from: vladimir on December 28, 2009, 14:52:47 PM ---you have 200 day"s :thinking:

--- End quote ---

and i have secod one

but we will arrive  :mks:

200 days it not so long ...    :wink:

we vait for you!!!!!!! :mks:


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