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: razne zanimljivosti  ( 8699 )

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razne zanimljivosti
« : July 22, 2009, 10:24:48 AM »

laserske svećice

"Laser Focus World has a story on researchers from Ford, GSI, and The University of Liverpool and their success in using near-infrared lasers instead of spark plugs in automobile engines. The laser pulses are delivered to the combustion chamber one of two ways. One, the laser energy is transmitted through free space and into an optical plug. Two, the other more challenging method uses fiber optics. Attempts so far to put the second method into play have met some challenges. The researchers are confident that the fiber-optic laser cables' technical challenges (such as a 20% parasitic loss, and vibration issues) will soon be overcome. Both delivery schemes drastically reduce harmful emissions and increase performance over the use of spark plugs. So the spark plug could soon join the fax machine in the pantheon of antiquated technologies that will never completely disappear. The news release from The University of Liverpool has pictures of the freakin' internal combustion lasers."



  • Članovi MKS
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Odg: razne zanimljivosti
« #1 : May 27, 2015, 18:59:48 PM »

Listam neke Vecernje Novost od pre 35 godina pa naleteh na zanimljiv oglas

"Mini 1000 1971. godina,registrovan ostin 1300 1972. godina,registrovan ostin 1300 komplet za delove.Ljubisa Petrovic,Hajduk Stanka broj 8 15300 Loznica"

S obzirom da je vise auta u pitanju ocigledno je da se covek time bavio pa uz ime i prezime i adresu moze biti zanimljivo za istrazivanje nekome iz tog kraja :wink:
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