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: mini vicevi  ( 4217 )

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  • Aktivan
  • : 1.090
mini vicevi
« : March 10, 2008, 21:08:25 PM »

Difference between a Mini and any other car?
When you pull into the service station you fill a mini up with oil and check the petrol.

Did you hear the one about the guy that peeked into the Mini and asked the owner
"How can you tell one switch from another at night,as they all look the same ? "
He replied, it does not matter which one you use, nothing happens !

Why do the British drink warm beer?
-Lucas make their fridges

Q: Why did the blonde crash into the mini?
A: She thought it was a big car far away

What is the most silent car in the world?
The mini
Because you cover your ears with your knees!!

Joseph Lucas- the Father of the Intermittant Windscreen Wiper

What is the best way for a woman to get Mini owner's interest ?

A miniskirt !


  • Aktivan
  • : 1.823
Odg: mini vicevi
« #1 : March 28, 2008, 19:18:15 PM »

kako kazu... veliki auto zamenjuje malu "mushkost" ... sta je s nama sa malim kolima?  :lol: :lol:
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