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: Twin karburator  ( 11844 )

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Odg: Twin karburator
« #15 : September 13, 2009, 14:16:54 PM »

heheheh gresite svi  :wink:

ovo je twin karburator mini strombergs, evo linka


bio je aktuelan 60in godina i davao jako dobre performanse motoru.

gregore, brutalac ocekujem odgovor  :blush:


Ali ih je dosta tesko uskladiti bez Rolling roada...


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Odg: Twin karburator
« #16 : September 13, 2009, 20:31:24 PM »

Pricao sam sa likom koji je pakovao i webere i stronberge i delorte i sve je sam stelovao.Pre 20g nije bilo rollin road-a a funkcionisalo je:)
Ma motor nesto zeza...ali u sustini savrseno radi...a i nesto zajebava kocnica ali u sustini super koci...ma pola stvari ne radi al ide super...ovaj auto je paradox na tockovima...

aca grunf

Odg: Twin karburator
« #17 : September 13, 2009, 22:44:33 PM »

ljudiako mislite da vam treba majstor za karburator evo preporuke
 okretnica trole 28,na zvezdari,covek je stari minijevac,a za delove dali ih ima ne garantujem moram da proverim,pa cu okaciti i broj telefona...


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Odg: Twin karburator
« #18 : September 14, 2009, 09:39:38 AM »

heheheh gresite svi  :wink:

ovo je twin karburator mini strombergs, evo linka


bio je aktuelan 60in godina i davao jako dobre performanse motoru.

gregore, brutalac ocekujem odgovor  :blush:


Ali ih je dosta tesko uskladiti bez Rolling roada...

sta je rolling road? neko stelovanje?
"Auto bez zvuka je kao devojka bez glasa."
"Ne veruj svemu sto mislis."


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Odg: Twin karburator
« #19 : September 14, 2009, 09:44:45 AM »

Verovatno ovako nesto


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Odg: Twin karburator
« #20 : September 14, 2009, 09:54:30 AM »

u prvu je gemini, tek sada od drugih slika sam skontao da nije minijev, cantre su  mu je mnogo plitke
Ja sam video kod Gorana(majstora) na Autokomandi dupli karburator koji je on spremao za jednog crvenog Minija.Verovatno on zna da li je to taj.

gemni jeste Goran :)

(verujem da mi nece zameriti sto otkrivam ovu "tajnu" jer je on vec otkrio ovde)


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Odg: Twin karburator
« #21 : September 14, 2009, 16:49:53 PM »

neznam kako mi je ova tema promakla.
karburatori su stromberger. S model ih nikada nije imao - tvornički.
simpatično jednostavni karburatori, koji rade na principu membrane. vozilo ih je dosta GB automobila... i čak druge ne GB marke. mislim, da ček austin 1300 GT je imao stromberge originalno.


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Odg: Twin karburator
« #22 : September 15, 2009, 00:31:39 AM »

deki 100% si upravu
ja sam danas morao da odem kod gorana i te karburatore sam drzao u ruci
novi sa sve celofanom na njma
 a sto se tice goranove mini radionice
ostao sam bez daha
9 minija ,u razlicitom stanju,na jednom mestu
a najvecu impresiju naravno napravili su sivi blizanci
GT IZGLEDA KAO NA SLICI-neverovato ali vrhunski
"It's simple and amazing car" - Paddy Hopkirk


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« : September 15, 2009, 10:04:40 AM vladimir »
"It's simple and amazing car" - Paddy Hopkirk


Odg: Twin karburator
« #24 : September 15, 2009, 19:59:25 PM »

Goranova mala radionica je nesto sto bi svako sa foruma trebao da vidi!Vladimire video si!Ranije sam bio vise puta i kada odem razgledao bi po ceo dan,a on je ljudina i voli da prica o Miniju,nije od onih sto jedva cekaju da mu se skines s vrata.
Taj twin karburator je bio namenjen za crvenog,o sivom GT u da ne pricamo,pa onda plavi 2000.godiste,ako vam nesto treba u vezi Minija bar jednom otidjite do njega,ako nista drugo bar da vidite sta covek radi.Bilo bi lepo da objavi na forumu slike!Predlozi mu Vladimire,ako budes opet isao do njega.Jel zavrsio GT a?Kako mu idu radovi?


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Odg: Twin karburator
« #25 : September 16, 2009, 16:28:45 PM »

SU Carbs  Connection, HIF type.   http://www.calverst.com/articles/Fu-SU_Carbs-Connection.htm
Although there are a number of different versions of the HIF type carb, they all essentially share the same type of connection layout. The diagram below depicts the most common type - the connections can be on either the right hand side (as illustrated below) or the left hand side. Some have the connections shared on either side. Whichever, the port functions are the same.
It isn't essential the crankcase breather pipe be connected - you really don't want that choking crap from the crankcase spoiling your nice, fresh, fuel-rich incoming mixture - but it's obviously essential to block the port off if you don't. A blob of RTV Silicone is sufficient in most cases.
To adjuster mixture - screw the adjuster in to richen, out to weaken. There may be a 'anti-tampering' cap in there on some carbs - just hook it out.
On some HIF carbs - predominantly used on later Ital (Marina) and Maestro A+ low compression engines - there can be a black hose looped from a port on top of the carb to manifold flange to the float chamber breather/overflow port. This is a leaning-out device for when running at cruising speed on small throttle openings. This needs removing before it's really useful on tuned Minis. Just block the flange-mounted port off, and breath the float chamber to atmosphere as normal.
Unlike the H and HS type carbs, the choke circuit is controlled internally by a special port controlled by a tapered spindle - so there's no messing about with choke linkages needed. Simply connect the cable up.
The standard Mini mechanical fuel pump is more than enough to feed the 1.75" HIF carb up to about 115-120bhp. Outputs higher than this that are to be used at maximum power/rpm for any length of time, it's advisable to think about fitting an electrical pump to ensure constant delivery at max power/high engine speeds. Required pressure is 2.7-3.0psi with a flow-rate in the order of 15-18 gallons per hour. And unless the car is being driven flat out all the time - a pressure regulator is highly advisable to avoid rough-running at idle (caused by over-rich mixture as the carb is shaken about) and flow valve seat damage.
Using pumps that produce higher pressures and flow-rates than this are purely over-kill and will make a regulator an absolute necessity. Get a good quality one as it'll be earning it's living!

Click image to enlarge
"It's simple and amazing car" - Paddy Hopkirk
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