Moram priznati da smo imali veoma uspesnu godinu i ako je kriza ekonomska veoma ozbiljna. Prikazao sam sve dogadjaje vezane za miniclubsrbije, kao i mini časopis sa reportažeom koju je napisao Jeff!
Žao mi je što niste došli u večem broju, bar bi dobili lepi kalendar.
Zašto je važno da imamo savez i miniklub u njemu?
Jedna od bitnih činjenica je da neće moći da se vozi mini ako nema sertifikat da je istorijsko vozilo. U sloveniji nemože da se registruje mini, ako nije član nekog oldtajmerskog kluba. To bi mogao Gregor da bolje objasni.
Nama po kazivanju iz FIVA org. predstoji još godinu dana da ispunimo sve uslove. Osim što prate naše aktivnosti u toku godine, oni prate i finansijki izveštaj saveza. Za sad imaju odlično mišljenje o našem savezu i nadam se da če tako biti.
Očekujem da ćemo rešiti večinu problema vezano za propise i registraciju u idučoj godini.
Evo izveštaja FIVA-e vezano za SSIV.
www.automuseumbgd.comThe application arrived from the Serbian Federation of Historic Vehicles in April 2011 is
pending till 1 more year. They are an independent organization with 200 members in 9 clubs
and 125 remarkable vehicles listed. Their member clubs go back to a long tradition but the
first documented event mentioned is dated in 2002. Ever since many clubs had organized
rallies, exhibitions, meetings all over the country. This is a real popular movement.
Publications go back to several decades. The newly formed federation was started in 2010 so
they have to wait for one more year to be admitted but in all other aspects they are eligible to
become FIVA members. Mr. Dalibor Ruzic president confirmed they contacted the other club
from Subotica in order them to join the new federation.
Za razliku od nas Kuwait nije dobio pozitivno mišljenje i ako imaju daleko bolje automobile.
An application has arrived from the Kuwait Historical, Classic & Vintage Car Museum. It has
a membership of 800 individuals in 8 clubs, a proper organization and solid financial
background. The museum has at least 50 highly precious vehicles on show (from 1920s to
‘70s, Aston Martin DB5 from the James Bond film). Their activities range from meetings to
charitable events, they often organize conferences on restoration and even on green matters.
Though they have no democratic structure in the European sense they are active and embrace
the whole competent enthusiast part of the society.
So I can not certify to the General Secretary in accordance with Art. 9.5. that this application
is in full compliance with the FIVA Statutes, yet I can recommend that the Kuwait Museum
be accepted provisionally as members to FIVA by the President and the General Secretary in
accordance with Art. 9.5. of the Statutes with regard to their special circumstances.
Finally the 2011 General Assembly in Washington confirmed the decision of the General
Committee about the admission and Kuwait became a member of FIVA.
Divac hvala na lepim slikama!