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: XXI International Mini Weekend Madjarska  ( 4277 )

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XXI International Mini Weekend Madjarska
« : May 19, 2016, 09:02:47 AM »

Nasi prijatelji iz Mini Club Hungary nas pozivaju na

XXI International Mini Weekend
Date: 06-10.07.2016
Place: Gárdony at Velencei lake, Sport Beach Kemping (2483 Gárdony, Harcsa u. 2.)
Please, post your registration to our club e
-mail address (
info@miniclub.hu) and give us the
below details:
-Name and contact details
-Car (make and year of your Mini)
-Place you come from
-What size of T-shirt you would like to have
-Persons travelling with you (passangers)
-Additional T-shirts, meals (if any) requested for your travel mates (passangers)-programs you wish to attend (number of persons)
06.07. Wednesday
Pitching our tents
07.07. Thursday
Road trip from 10am. Planned route: Székesfehérvár, Bory-castle
Afternoon/evening: beach and chill-out
08.07. Friday - car free day
at 9:30 we walk over to the small port of Gárdony and take a short cruise trip on the
lake to finally arrive on
the other side (500
For the lazy, its chillout time at the restaurant till the sporty arrive back from a short walk to the military memorial park. With joint forces we can have self paid lunch in the restaurant. Our ship leaves 15:30 back to Gárdony.

4pm arrival to the camping

Afternoon/evening: beach and chill-out
09.07. Saturday
Afternoon arrival to the camping
Prize ceremony and dinner
10.07. Sunday farewell
MCH and the organizers reserve the right to change the program.

Registration fee
Registration fee registering before June 10: 20 EUR/car
Registration fee
registering after June 10: 25 EUR/car
The registration fee includes: rallye plaque, 1 sticker, 1 T-shirt, Saturday dinner for 1
person. (The above only till stock lasts for late registrations.)
For passangers:
Saturday dinner 1.000 Ft (ca. 3,5
T-shirt1.500 Ft (ca. 5 EUR)/pc
Tent: 900 Ft (ca. 3 EUR)/night
Caravan: 1300 Ft (ca. 4 EUR)/night
Camper (RV): 2200 Ft (ca. 7 EUR)/night
Persons: adults 1200 Ft (ca. 4 EUR)/night, children (3-14 years) 750 Ft(ca. 2,5 EUR)/night
Car: 820 Ft (ca. 2,75 EUR)/night
Electricity: 830 Ft(ca. 2,75 EUR)/night
Dog: 870 Ft(ca. 2,80 EUR)/éj
Tourism tax: 430 Ft
(ca. 1,5 EUR)/night
There is limited number of 2 person cabins available. These cabins are in wooden houses
and have no toillette or
shower but only two beds. Spare bed possible.
For those not staying overnight in the camping, the beach/campsite will charge a daily
entrance fee of 1.000 Ft
(ca. 3,5 EUR)/person, which allows one to stay till 11pm of the
given day.
Other costs during
Bory-castle: 26 yrs and above: 1000 Ft (ca. 3,50 EUR)/pers, under
26 yrs and above 62:500
Ft(ca. 1,75 EUR)/pers
Ship: 500 Ft(ca. 1,75 EUR)/pers
Military memorial park exhibitions
: 1200 Ft(ca. 4 EUR)/pers, student/pensionist
700 Ft(ca. 2 EUR)/person

Molimo Vas da se prijavite u nastavku teme
MKS TIM  :mks:


Odg: XXI International Mini Weekend Madjarska
« #1 : June 19, 2016, 09:28:33 AM »

Dragi Svi,
Samo da se najavim da planiram da posetim pomenuti skup. Isao bih 8og, petak popodne i vratio bi se 10tog.
Idem sa ortakom, nosim sator tako da planiram da kampyjem ta dva dana.
P.s. imam dogovor sa Vrelim Gumama da ce mi dati na korisc3nje opremu za snumanje reportaze


Odg: XXI International Mini Weekend Madjarska
« #2 : July 08, 2016, 23:32:21 PM »

Pozdrav svima sa 21.Madjarske minijade u Gardony-ju. Upravo stigli u kamp i javili se domacinu.
Sad odosmo na spavanje jer nas sutra u 10h ujutro ocekuje Rally oko jezera Velencei-tó.
Slike kacim na svom fejs profilu...
P.s. sutra ce Vrele Gume objaviti reportazu na svojoj Online stranici sa nase Minijade.
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