Mini Klub Srbije
Mini Radionica => Kvarovi, problemi i popravke => : Vladimir October 06, 2009, 13:36:34 PM
kao sto znate zimski period,kise,sneg,led i ostale vremenske nepogode su najgore moguce stvari koje mogu da zadesi nase male ljubimce zato je bitno da :
1.Proverimo antifriz u hladnjaku,
3.Platine i kondezator
4.Ulje u motoru-kvalitet
5.Podmazemo sisice na prednjim tockovima(imao tri sisice na svakom tocku) i podmazemo sisice na zadnjoj sasiji(imamo po jednu sisicu sa strane)ovo nemoj te da zaboravite jer ce auto u martu da skripi kao babina kolena!
ako sam nesto zaboravio slobodno dopisite
Standard Mini Winter Checks
In order to keep your Mini in full working order this winter, we have put together a small guide of things to check, besides the routine servicing...
Cooling System
Antifreeze is a must in a Mini for the winter. A Winter mix of Antifreeze to water over the winter will stop any potential problems with freezing conditions.
Cooling Hoses. Check the condition of all of the cooling hoses, checking for obvious signs of splitting, especially around the joint?s in the bottom hoses.
Make sure the thermostat is opening, this can be simply tested. If a thermostat does not open fully in boiling water, it should be discarded and replaced. If the thermostat is stuck open, this will be apparent upon removal, and should again be replaced. New gaskets should also be fitted after testing or replacement
Fanbelt. It is important that this is correctly adjusted, if it is too loose it will slip and cause wear. It will also stop the alternator and water pump from working efficiently. If there are any signs of wear, replace
Electrical System
As standard, on the engine steady tie bar, there is an engine earth wire. Check that the contact points at both ends of the wire are not corroded, and that the wire is not badly frayed. If it is, replace. Earlier cars were known to have these fitted to lower engine stabiliser, this can be retro fitted there if battery discharging is a problem. Also check the battery earth wire, as above, and replace if necessary. Removing the battery and trickle charging overnight occasionally will keep the battery in good condition, as demand is heavier during the winter on electrics.
Distributor. Assuming correct service intervals are maintained (points, rotor arm, cap, condenser etc) Check that weather shields are securely fastened, and any clips replaced as necessary. On earlier cars, distributor and coil covers are readily available to help shield the ignition from the elements.
All lighting bulbs should be checked, with cars being driven home in the dark as the winter draws in a quick check on all exterior bulbs should be made.
Make sure all wiper blades are in good condition, and replace if necessary. Wiper arms should be checked for spring strength. If they are easily lifted from the windscreen, these should also be replaced as they will not be keeping the blades against the screen correctly. Ensure windscreen washer fluid has the correct mix of winter screen wash, and keep this regularly topped up. Ensure washer jets are not blocked, and correctly adjusted.
All of the above should be done in conjunction with regular servicing
Useful Part's List
88 degree thermostat (
Thermostat housing gasket (
1 litre Antifreeze (
GCB10838 Fan Belt (
GCB10825 Fan Belt (
GMB50920 Fan Belt (
Engine Earth Strap (
Battery Earth Strap (
Engine Electric Shield Kit (
Replacement clips for above (
Distributor Cover (
Coil Cover (
Black Wiper Blades (
Heavy Duty Wiper Kit Right Hand Drive (
Heavy Duty Wiper Kit Left Hand Drive (
5.Podmazemo sisice na prednjim tockovima(imao tri sisice na svakom tocku) i podmazemo sisice na zadnjoj sasiji(imamo po jednu sisicu sa strane)ovo nemoj te da zaboravite jer ce auto u martu da skripi kao babina kolena!
evo i par slicica gde se nalaze sisice
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ko probija sisice kad zapeknu.........
nemojte me samo pogresno shvatiti...........
Podmazuju se mazalicom a to moze da ti uradi bukvalno svako ko je ima. Idi kod Gorana.
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