Ja sam imao udes...malo je poduza prica ali kad stavim slike cu ispricati pricu...mozda mi mozete pomoci pronaci krivca... 
znam da je nemoguce potpuno popraviti gorak ukus u ustima zbog tog bosanskog retarda, ali evo jednog pozitivnog momenta:
Madjar Balas:
We was unhappy because we need to leave you and teh other mini owners in the castle.
I found the serbian people are much more helpful than my own fellow countryman.
When we received a puncture, close to NoviSad on the highway, a car immediately stopped to help us.
In Hungary we need to push the Mini of the road because the alternator bearing broke, and
the belt started to melt, but nobody helped for us.
Fortunately I have a friend, who also a Mini owner, close to the point of our brakedown, so he lent me an another alternator.