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: PESKIRANJE  ( 7980 )

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  • Članovi MKS
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« : April 20, 2013, 19:13:45 PM »

Za sve clanove kluba i one koji se osmele da samostalno peskiraju, a pritom imaju kompresor od 8-10bara, mogu da rentiraju mobilnu peskaru od mene uz nadoknadu tj kako se dogovorimo. 0607161511


  • Članovi MKS
  • Aktivan
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  • : 417
  • Nemirni i Čudni
« #1 : April 22, 2013, 08:50:21 AM »



Ukoliko imate neke delove koji vam mozda ne trebaju, placanje moze biti organizovano i kao robna razmena :).

•Vazduh i pesak su pomesani u rezervoaru sa kompresovanim vazduhom.
•The mixture speeds up at the cone shaped nozzle in the hose, amplifying the effectivity of the blasting process.
Kapacitet rezervoara 75ltr
Protok vazduha 170-710ltr/min
Radni pritisak 6-10bar
Ukupna velicina 920x780x380mm
Velicina pakovanja 880x460x420mm

Abrasive media used
•The quality of the media used for polishing influences the effectivity of blasting.
•Ordinary sand may contain contaminants, which may cause the machine to malfunction.
•Moisture and organic matter contained in the abrasive media may clog up the nozzles and the valves.
•If the abrasive media is used repeatedly, the reduction of the particle surface must be considered, which reduces the effectivity of the blasting process.

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