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Digital MiniWorld i MiniMagazin

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U novom broju Mini Magazina tema je mini u yugoslaviji, IMV itd...

NebKV i njegov mini takodje u istoj rubrici i naravno gregor sa travelerom :)

Da,rece mi Jeff na Minijadi da ce biti u jednom od narednih brojeva,nisam ocekivao da je spremno vec za Avgustovski broj  :)

Jeff Mini Legenda je napustila Mini Magazin
Zelim Jeff-u mnogo uspeha u nastavku karijere 

It's with a mixture of excitement and a tinge of sadness I announce that I have a new job! The issue of Mini Magazine that's out on Friday will be my last as editor, as I'm taking up a new role with the excellent folk at the MG Car Club in the home of the Works Minis, Abingdon.

Anyone who knows me will tell you Minis are my passion (read obsession), and editing the mag was a dream job. I'm delighted to have spent 11 years on the mag and six at the helm, meaning I've worked on 151 editions out of 271, beginning in 2006. But, as the old adage goes, I've probably taken it as far as I can and it's time for a new challenge. The mag remains in excellent health and it's time for a new editor to come in and give it a boost with fresh new ideas.

A big thanks to everyone who has supported me - traders, fellow writers, photographers and, of course, readers. I've had an amazing time and made friends for life. And you won't be getting rid of me entirely - I'll still be contributing regularly to the mag and attending events. After all, I have 9 Minis to look after!

If you give the new man Martyn Collins even a fraction of the support you gave me, I'm sure he'll do a cracking job.

Dušan Stankov:
Sve najbolje na novom poslu, i kako je rekao nećemo ga se otarasiti :laughing: viđamo se i dalje.


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